
Showing posts from January, 2023

The Ultimate Guide To Training Your Puppy With Feeding Treats

We all know how challenging it is to train our little paw friends to become good doggies.  However, when training your puppy, it must be done at the right age and with the right things. Food is the primary motivating factor when training a puppy. That is why reward-based training with treats is a proven technique in obedience training.  As much as it is effective, you should use it knowing its limitations. Overindulging in treats could cause more harm than good, which is why you need to be knowledgeable about using treats when training puppies. Read, The Ultimate Guide to Training Your Puppy with Feeding Treats before using this technique next time.

Benefits of Fly Free Food Supplement for Pets

Fly Free Food Supplement is a nutritious liquid that can be added to your animal’s drinking water or food. It is safe and effective for use with all animals: dogs, cats, horses, birds, etc. It is a healthy whole pet food supplement, containing over 200 vitamins as well as minerals, enzymes, and amino acids. When used daily, Fly Free prohibits blood-feeding insects from biting and prevents them from laying eggs, thus breaking the reproductive cycle of the female. This includes all blood feeding insects like fleas, ticks, flies, mosquitos, mites, and lice. Before choosing fly free pet food supplements for your animals, SHAKE WELL and follow the instructions on the label for quantities to use depending on the animal and its size. FLY FREE is a healthy whole food supplement, safe for all animals and birds.

Essential Fatty Acids and Pets – Healthy Food For Pets

Essential fatty acids (EFAs) are fundamentally important for all animals. EFAs play a major role in the maintenance of healthy coats and skin for cats, dogs, and horses. Cell membranes in the animals’ skin, fur, nails, and hair are made from essential fatty acids. Dietary fat is also an essential energy source for all animals. Because EFAs are obtained exclusively through dietary intake, the health of cats, dogs, and other animals is dependent on obtaining enough essential fatty acids in the food we give them.  For a shiny, glossy coat and to improve your pet’s overall health, try Life’s Abundance’s Skin & Coat Formula and Life’s Abundance Pharmaceutical Grade Fish Oil from Healthy Food for Pets, because these products are made with  essential fatty acids  that your pet actually needs. These supplements provide essential fatty acids needed by your dog or cat to reduce inflammation and maintain normal skin and hair quality.